Best-selling Author of the “A Hacker I Am” cyber security Series.
Foresight Series – a cyberpunk novel series that will dive into the world of a hacker.
Co-Author of The Shadow World – Primary school kids cyber security awareness series.
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Blog Updates
Debating Australia’s Social Media Ban for Kids

Craig Ford argues against the Australian Government’s Social Media Ban for those under 16, advocating instead for education among children, parents, and teachers. He emphasizes the importance of understanding online safety over restrictive measures. The post includes links to interviews addressing the law’s implications before and after its passage.

In The Drivers Seat – Interview

A few weeks ago I made a sneaky trip down to Melbourne to do an interview with Penny Lane on her show – In the Drivers Seat on Ticker News.

Readalot Magazine – First edition

Check out the first edition of the new ReadAlot Magazine, there are some amazing books by some amazing authors (and my books are in there as well 😊).

Cyber West Keynote – Perth

Last month I had the absolute pleasure of flying over to Perth to do a Keynote talk at the start of day two of the 2024 CyberWest Summitt held at the Pan Pacific on the 15th and 16th of May.

BrisSEC talk on Cyber Awareness Education in Schools

I had a blast doing a talk at the BrisSEC conference with Kyle Waters last month on the 19th April in Brisbane.

The Launch of Cyber Unicorns

On August 21, 2023, I cofounded Cyber Unicorns, a unique cyber security consultancy offering vCISO services and soon launching an online cyber awareness platform. Targeting a broad audience, we aspire to make a significant impact with our educational campaign. Watch for updates and spot our reflective Unicorn around southeast Queensland.

Five Star Review – The Shadow World

I was ecstatic to see such a fantastic review from Sarah Cole, being a teacher herself and giving her support/recommendation for the book is awesome. the book was written to help educate young minds on how to navigate the online world, how to make the right choices and for them to be confident enough to put their hands up and say “I need Help”.

Women in Security Magazine – Issue 16

Issue 16 (September-October 2023) edition of the Women in Security magazine is out today, the amazing team at Source2Create – Aby Swabey Charlie-mae Baker and the rest of the team have outdone themselves with this edition.

Check out my regular column on page 68-69.

Five Star Review – Shadow

Another review for Shadow on Amazon this time from AG Collinson. I am glad you liked the sequel to my first book Foresight with this instalment – Shadow.

Shadow – Book two in the Foresight series

In this thrilling second instalment to the Foresight series, Shadow offers a fresh insight into the opposing hacker of the series – Shadow. Shadow must make choices that will lead him down many paths that were never expected at the outset. Find out what makes Shadow tick and experience the thrilling events from Foresight with a completely new perspective.


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